Allen Smutylo

Allen Smutylo's book


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The Memory of Water
by Allen Smutylo


"This poetic and gently sublime book takes us on a journey of discovery of 'our home wrapped in water.' Smutylo's is an odyssey of wonder and exploration encompassing the High Arctic and Greenland, Maui and Varanasi, and a picturesque river valley in southwestern Ontario. By combining a deep respect for what he sees and senses, and an appreciation for what he shares in common with the worlds he explores, Smutylo casts us on our own water-borne voyages through memories and experiences, places and cultures that ebb and flow in our consciousness, defining our sense of place and self as passengers on this drop of water called 'Earth' in the vast sea of constellations."

TOM SMART author, curator, columnist and special advisor to art galleries and publishers across Canada. Author of Jack Chambers' Red and Green (forthcoming 2013)


Governor General's Literary Award:
Nominated for Best Non Fiction Book - 2013

(to be announced in November)
Canada Council

Banff Mountain Festival:
Nominated for Best Travel / Adventure Book - 2013

(to be announced in October)



Allen Smutylo
504095 Grey Road 1
Georgian Bluffs, Ontario, N0H 2T0